
la.plume CMS Changelog

The most recent version

February 2015

That is the date when I finally completed the system to my satisfaction что такое брачный договор. Since then I've been able to resist the temptation to mess with it.

Version 10.4

(1) Changed files:

(2) New files:

(3) Deleted files:

Themes reduced from three to two: 'Default' and 'White', both now fully responsive for tablets and mobiles. 'All White' and 'Zest' deleted. Fallback stylesheets added for IE8 and older. Minor edits to various other files.

1st January 2015

Version 10.3

(1) Changed files:
/inc/page.class.php (minor edit on 6th January)

Password hashing algorithm changed from md5 to sha256 (passwords now processed here). Minor changes to stylesheets (including admin stylesheet).

12th December 2014

Version 10.2

Version 10.2 completes a series of updates over a few months, with new features and coding tweaks. Nothing more is planned for now, except minor theme updates occasionally.

(1) Changed files:

(2) New file

Provision for an (optional) additional stylesheet /css/extra.css to be written in admin so that supplementary styles can be added without editing the 'current' theme stylesheet. Those supplementary styles are preserved regardless of any updates to the main stylesheet. See the stylesheets »

The main stylesheet /css/stylesheet.css and /css/extra.css are now included in ZIP backups along with site content.

11th December 2014

Version 10.1

(1) Changed files:
Most of the files (regard as all the files)

(2) New files

General coding tweaks. Addition of 'Zest' theme. Addition of mandatory name field in comment form. Addition of 'extra' div to contact and 404 error pages.

4th December 2014

Version 10.0

Version 10.0 has a different folder structure to previous versions, therefore most of the files have been changed. Installing from new is more or less the same as for previous versions but the update process is different. How to update to Version 10.0 »

The new folder structure simplifies URLs for installs on servers which don't support .htaccess.

Site search is now optional.

17th November 2014

Version 9.2

(1) Changed files:
/cms/search.php (corrects 'count')
/cms/admin/ all the files in the admin folder
/cms/inc/lang.php (for Spanish)

(2) New files
/cms/admin/install.php (updated for special characters, 26th November)
/cms/inc/languages/es.php (for Spanish)

(3) Deleted files

Spanish language files added.

From Version 9.2 installation of la.plume Micro CMS begins with the new file /cms/admin/install.php instead of the password files being edited before they are uploaded. The password files are now created when 'install' is submitted and are no longer included in the download ZIP. The new 'install' process also creates various additional files previously created in setup (which now creates only the .htaccess files - if allowed - and the settings file). If 'install' cannot create/write the required additional files (usually due to insufficient server permissions) the process is halted. The 'install' file is auto-deleted on setup and must be uploaded again to change passwords or when passwords are lost or forgotten.

10th November 2014

Version 9.1

(1) Changed files:
/cms/inc/lang.php (updated for German, 11 Nov)
/cms/admin/backup.php (fixes a minor bug)

(2) New files
/cms/inc/languages/de.php (for German, added 11 Nov)

Introduces alternative theme with additional stylesheet for 'All White' theme installed on setup, switchable in admin / Pages.

German language file added. Also improved feedback messages in setup.

1st November 2014

Version 9.0

la.plume Micro CMS Version 9.0 introduces a framework for fully integrating languages other than English. It has always been possible to put content in other languages but standard web page text such as 'Submit' and 'Search' buttons, 'Page Not Found', instructions for completing forms etc were English by default.

Now, those default texts can be in other languages, selectable in site admin. It means for example that everything on the public pages of a German website can be all in German, or French, or Polish, or whichever language is selected by the website administrator.

Please note however that the framework is now in place but there is still only English, French and German (German was added on 11th November). Translations are still needed for other languages, so contact me if you can help by translating those default texts. I can then add the necessary files to the system for all users of that language. Thank you. Patrick

Content can still be written in other languages as before.

(1) Changed files:
All the files except:

(2) New folders:


(3) New files:

/cms/inc/languages/en.php (for English)
/cms/inc/languages/fr.php (for French) added 05 Nov

(4) The following files are now generated by setup and are no longer included in the download folder:


In addition to the languages framework, Version 9.0 includes extra checks on the server to attempt to ensure that all the required files exist and are writable prior to setup, and also that the Apache mod_rewrite module is enabled for .htaccess.

After updating, submit admin setup again. About updating »

(*) For info. New files already introduced in Versions 8.5 and 8.6:


(*) For info. File already deleted in Version 8.7:


Note: if you have previously edited /cms/inc/extra.php to add content to the #extra div this content must be saved by manually moving it to the new file /cms/extra-content.php before updating /cms/inc/extra.php.

Changes prior to Version 9.0 »
More about updating »

Page last modified: October 04, 2018


No minimum required PHP version stated. Others state it, compare:

PHP 5.3.0+

Hi there Patrick,
I have your brilliant script running on 2 domains now

And since the update of 1 August 2014 - which I have just uploaded, I am noticing a strange anomaly whilst viewing the site in Safari on my iPad.

It refers specifically to using the two finger pinch gesture to resize a page whilst in portrait mode, to accommodate the sidebar - looks like a CSS change since the last upgrade.

I am finding that some pages resize fine and some won't, It doesn't seem to depend on any content being on the page.

At first I wondered if it were something to do with the images, but it seems to happen even on a page without an image.

I have overwritten the files a few times, but the anomaly persists.

Any ideas,


ps: it seems to occur with your contact page too

Hi Jimmy.

Not sure what would cause that, but try the download stylesheet now (slightly amended for scrolling).


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